Spiral Anksys

Injected anchors | Training proficiency in design and assembly

Training proficiency in design and assembly

The use of Spiral Anksys® injected anchors is conditional upon knowledge of this specific technology and should only be performed by persons who are properly trained and capable of applying these systems. Implementing firms must hold the Certificate of Eligibility.


In this context, ECORAW® company provides training on the ability to implement and distribute Spiral Anksys® technologies. Training is provided at the ECORAW® Training Center or by accredited system partners. Based on the agreement, it is possible to carry out practical training directly on specific realizations with the participation of the application technician.


Training is carried out within the scope of:




Conditions and detailed information, including a list of accredited training centers, can be found at www.ecoraw.eu or www.spiralanksys.com.
